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What Must I Do if I am Involved in a Car Accident?

As traumatic as a car accident can be, it isn’t something most people prepare for. Indeed, considering how often you drive around town without crashing, it seems like a fairly rare occurrence. But is it? Studies have found that around 77% of drivers have been in a car accident and that most people will experience between 3-4 crashes in their lives. With these figures in mind, perhaps it would be wise to think of a car crash as something quite likely to occur at some point in the future and maybe we could all benefit from answering a few simple questions. For instance, what are the dos and don’ts following a car crash? How does fault factor into it? And what does the law say about all this? What Must I Do if I am Involved in a Car Accident?

In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, there are many things that you should and should not do. Notably, various legal requirements can be found in Chapter X of The National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996 which specifies the duties of the driver in the event of an accident.

While most of the points in this article, such as not leaving the scene of the accident, are such legal duties, others, such as taking photos, are more practical in nature and are advised for insurance purposes. Some of the more vital requirements are as follows –

What Must I Do if I am Involved in a Car Accident?

What to Do when you are Involved in a Car Accident

  1. Full names of all individuals involved including police officers, medical personnel and eyewitnesses
  2. ID numbers
  3. Licence plate numbers
  4. Weather Conditions
  5. Location of the crash
  6. Etc

As you can see, there are many things that you should do after a car accident, however, of equal importance are all the things that you should not do.

What Must I Do if I am Involved in a Car Accident?

What you Should NOT do when involved in a Car Accident

What do you do After a Minor Car Accident?

As noted, you should never make the mistake of thinking an accident was so minor that you do not need to obey the aforementioned rules. Even if nobody was injured and the property damage is minor you should do everything by the book to ensure that you are in the clear, legally speaking.

What Must I Do if I am Involved in a Car Accident?

What happens when Both Drivers are at Fault?

In many cases, when both drivers are somewhat to blame for an accident, they come to an agreement regarding liability and pay without getting lawyers involved, however, in some instances, negotiations break down and the issue is taken to court. When this occurs, judges work to determine how blame and damages are to be apportioned.

They do this by considering multiple factors ranging from the actions of both parties to the facts of the case. More than one driver may be at fault for an accident and, in these scenarios, blame is usually apportioned in a kind of ratio form. In other words, one driver may be found to be 70% responsible, while the other driver is only 30% responsible. The subsequent settling of the financial dispute will be influenced by this ruling with each party paying their share of the damages relative to their level of fault.

What do I do if My Car is Written Off?

While the post-accident legal procedure is pretty much the same regardless of how bad the crash was, there are a few important things to remember when your vehicle has been written off completely –

Who is Liable for Damages if it wasn’t My Fault?

Damage claims relating to serious bodily injuries and death can be made with the RAF so long as you were not wholly responsible for the accident. Property damage claims must be made with the negligent party themselves.

What Must I Do if I am Involved in a Car Accident?

You cannot make a claim if you were the only person involved in the accident (ie, if you drove into a tree) unless the crash was caused by external factors such as poorly maintained roads.

In Conclusion – What do you do When you’re Involved in a Car Accident?

There are many legal duties and practical steps to take following a car accident. Generally, the do’s and don’ts of the situation proceed as follows –

Do’s Don’ts
Stop your vehicle  Do not leave the scene until you have been given permission  
Help anyone who has been injured  Do not move your vehicle unless absolutely necessary
Collect as much information as possible  Do not admit liability
Take photos  Do not consume alcohol/drugs unless prescribed by a medical professional  
Make a Police Report  Do not consent to any agreements/settlements without first consulting with your attorney  
Inform your insurance company of the accident   

When both drivers are at fault, they usually come to some sort of agreement with regard to the payment of damages. If an agreement is not reached, the matter may end up in court where a judge will determine the level of the blame of each party. The amount of money that you will need to pay will be directly related to the level of blame for which you are responsible.

If you have suffered serious bodily injuries or damages related to the death of a loved one, you may be able to make a claim with the RAF. Personal damages, on the other hand, must be claimed from the negligent party directly. 

Disclaimer LAW101: All of our posts are for research purposes only. Law 101 aims to assist its readers with useful information on the laws of our country that can guide you to make decisions in line with the South African Governmental Laws currently in place. Although our posts cite the constitution in many instances, they are intended to assist readers who are looking to expand their knowledge of the law. Should you require specific legal advice we advise you to get in touch with a qualified legal expert.

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